Tanzania - Aviv Estate

$18.00 - $90.00

Country: Tanzania
Region: Songea, Ruvuma
Farm/Coop/Washing Station: Aviv Estate
Roast Level: L3 ⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
Process: Wet Hulled Patio Solar DryVarietals:
Certifications/Quality: AA FAQ Quality
Flavor Notes: Chocolate, Butterscotch, Melon, Heavy Body

This RFA-certified wet-hulled coffee comes from the Aviv Estate in Tanzania. The Aviv Estate represents our ongoing efforts in Tanzania to foster high quality Arabica coffee production by implementing environmental and social standards. Since its founding in 2011, Aviv has become one of the largest, fully irrigated, coffee projects in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and has achieved full government support as one of the largest estates in this area. Through efforts to ensure water security for the 300,000 people living in the Ruvuma River Basin, Aviv has been awarded an Alliance for Water Stewardship certification since 2016, in addition to numerous community and social initiatives supporting local villages.

Growing Altitude
1000m - 1300m